Gate and Stairs Railings

These two are from the same person. I actually found them from FB site. They were the cheapest and still are the cheapest. The stairs railing is only at RM 150 psft! And the gate itself only costs me RM 3500 for 14ft powder coated mild steel. I asked for DC motor. It was just RM1400. So in total, I paid RM 4900 for the gate. They were even nice enough to include a small door. Other places that I asked started from RM 4k onwards for the gate. Deluxe quoted me about RM 15k 😱 for the same 14ft. I don't care about all the security features from Delux as I feel that it wouldn't hinder the thieves if they really want to come in. 

Now, here's my review. I waited quite a bit (about 2 months) for the gate. This was because, I ordered the stairs railing later as they can only do measurement after my contractor has finished the tiling of the stairs. By right, I should be able to get the gate done in mid-March. The usual modus operandi to save cost, they waited for the railing as well. Thank goodness I was not in a hurry. The workmanship for the gate is acceptable for the price. In fact, I am loving the design. What I do not like is that I have to wait another week or so for the DC motor. Simply because someone in the company that brought the DC motor can't make it in time on that day. They will be installing my autogate together with the glass. And left my gate literally hanging, tied together only with a puny string.

As for the railing, I do like the overall feel of my design. And it stops there. There were a lot of places that needed touch up. I only get to thoroughly inspect their work after they left and I was not happy with the many places that needed to touch up. Called up Marco, the sales, and made my cpmplaint. He assured me that once already touched up, the railing will be fine. I have to make sure I am there the next round to make sure everything is touched up properly.


The guys arrived second tume tonfix the glass railing. It must have been a very hard task becayse it took up the whole day. They only managed to finish at I took pity on them really. The Chinese sifu told me it is a normal occurance. Poor wife. By the time he reached h9me she'll be fast asleep. A lot of t8me is spent on touching up an i am glad that they do. 90 percent of the flaws has been covered. The rest, well, negligible.

They are still owing me the DC motor because company ran out of stock. Guess there will be athird update.
