Porch and Pebble Wash

There were not many mistakes made in the process of this renovation. The porch is one of it. I feel that the porch is oversized. Yes, my draftman drew the porch larger than I wanted and the contractor followed. So nobody to blame but myself. The plus point is, it actually gives me a big balcony. I am thinking I should make it a place for hanging plants and drying clothes. Perfect!

To add to this mistake is the choosing of a wrong tile for the car porch. Aftee using all the tiles, I have about Rm 900 car porch tiles left. I gave the tiles to Ian. 

Pebblewash has never been on my agenda. After some enticement from my contractor, I agreed. Set me back another two thousand plus (plus skirting). Somehow,  I feel that I get swayed easily. This is also another reason why I don't like to partner with anyone in the things that I do. I will actually prioritise other people's wish instead of mine. In the end, it is more like pleasing the other party than myself. If I make Ian out to be a blood sucking monster, he is not. He makes all decisions with the house's interest in mind, not his coffer.

Coming back to this car porch, I left the entire decision making to Ian (meaning I don't want to get involved lah). I believe in the art of delegation to prevent myself from burning out. It will also speed up the decision making process and hasten the actual renovation. That is because I am in unchartered territory. At the same time, I would like to be adventurous and try something new. Hence, the decision on pebblewash. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

So here are some pictures on the half-finished and finished porch. My apologies for not taking more photos on this porch. Just didn't feel like it.
