Tree Cutting

Last minute request from my mom. She wanted to plant a mango tree. Spoken to Ian a few days ago. Today he managed to get a chainsaw to cut the tree.

What thought to be a very straight forward request turned out very troublesome indeed.  Apparently, the chainsaw was not good enough to cut through the whole trunk. Bari, the worker, has to dig up the root to uproot the tree. This takes the whole day, under the scorching sun. It was a very tough job and he kept trying. I felt so bad. This could be easily done previously if I have requested when they have more staff and more equipment. 😭😭😭 Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I quickly offered to buy him lunch and drink. I also helped him to cut the branches into smaller pieces so that it is easier to haul tomorrow.  Then Ian has to mobilize his truck to throw the branches and trunks to the waste bin at the back of the house. 🤦‍♀️

I worked along with him under the hot sun to cut the branches. I tried my best to help with whatever that I could. That is the least I could do. 

Uprooted at last

In the end, I paid Ian a couple hundred for this job.  

My battle scar as a result from cutting the tree. 
